
Santa Ana Injury Lawyer Blog

insurance broker
25 Jun, 2021
If you have been offered an insurance settlement, think about why they are offering it to you before accepting. Chances are they are protecting their bottom line. Do not accept it!
Social Media
17 Jun, 2021
According to Statista, 3.78 billion people globally were classified as “active daily social media users” in 2020.
07 Jun, 2021
The Most Dangerous Industries in the U.S. Workers face a risk of injury while engaging in work-related duties , no matter which industry employs them. Desk workers regularly suffer from repetitive stress injuries, while hospitality and health care workers are physically attacked with surprising frequency. Construction workers often risk serious falls while working at dangerous heights while agricultural workers develop occupational illness at greater than average rates due, in part, to the chemicals used in fertilizers and pesticides. No matter where you work, your work is – in one way or another – dangerous. However, there is no question that some U.S. industries are more dangerous than others. It’s important to both raise awareness about the most dangerous industries in the United States and to highlight that every industry is dangerous in its own way. By spotlighting the most dangerous industries, American law makers and regulators can better ensure that these industries become progressively safer. By reminding all workers that American employment is inherently dangerous in various ways, “low-risk” industries will avoid complacency when it comes to worker safety. While keeping in mind that all industries are dangerous in unique ways, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the most dangerous industries in America. Even if you don’t work in one of these industries, understanding the hazards that affected workers face can help you to develop empathy for them and can help you to serve as a more informed worker safety advocate within your own industry. If you work in one of these particularly hazardous industries, it is important to understand your rights under the law, in the event that you suffer harm while on the job and you need to avail yourself of any opportunities for legal and/or financial recourse that are available to you. The Industries that Suffer the Highest Rates of Fatal Injuries According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the following 10 industries experience the highest rates of fatal injury annually per 100,000 workers: Fishing & hunting related workers: 99.8 per 100,000 Logging workers: 84.3 per 100,000 Aircraft pilots: 48.6 per 100,000 Roofers: 45.2 per 100,000 Recyclable materials collectors: 35.0 per 100,000 Iron/Steelworkers: 33.4 per 100,000 Truck drivers: 26.8 per 100,000 (987 total – the highest among all industries) Farmers and ranchers: 24.0 per 100,000 Lawn service and groundskeeping workers: 21.0 per 100,000 Power-line installation and repair workers: 18.7 per 100,000 Incredibly, these top 10 deadly industries only represent a small fraction of the more than 5,000 Americans killed as a result of work-related injury and occupational illness each and every year in the U.S. Additionally, fatal data estimates that every year, approximately 3 out of every 100 workers is non-fatally injured while on the job in ways that are serious enough to require medical attention and/or time away from work to seek treatment and/or recover. Some of the U.S. industries that experience the most worker deaths overall are not included in the above list because they employ so many workers that their death per 100,000 worker ratio isn’t as high as some other industries. However, it is also worth noting which U.S. industries experience the most fatalities overall, as they are significantly hazardous in their own right. The following industries experienced the most worker deaths (numbered in parenthesis) in 2017 alone: Construction (971) Transportation and warehousing (882) Fishing, hunting, and forestry (581) Professional services (532) Government industries (473) Manufacturing (303) Retail industries (287) Hospitality industries (262) Public administration (205) Education and health industries (189) Again, as shocking as these statistics are, they don’t take into account the hundreds of thousands of non-fatal (yet potentially debilitating) injuries that occur in industries all across the U.S. Although the issue of worker safety doesn’t get nearly as much media or governmental attention as it should, it remains a critically pressing issue in California and throughout the rest of the country. Retaliation and Safe Workspace Concerns If you’re concerned that exploring your legal rights will lead to retaliatory behavior on the part of your employer, know that the legal consultation process is confidential. This means that your employer will not be alerted to the fact that you’ve spoken with an attorney unless you choose to pursue legal action. Should you choose to pursue legal action, know that retaliation in response to a worker’s exercise of their legal rights is unlawful. Therefore, if your employer retaliates against you for exercising your rights as an injured worker , a reputable attorney can aid you in both protecting your livelihood and holding your employer accountable for their unlawful behavior. Additionally, if you’re concerned that whenever you return to work, you’ll be returning to an unsafe work site, an attorney can help you to file an anonymous worksite inspection request with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration . This agency conducts random workplace inspections all over the U.S., so there will be no reason for your employer to suspect that you requested an inspection. If OSHA finds that your employer is violating safety regulations, they can be fined and legally pressured to address outstanding safety hazards present on site. Legal Aid Is Available If you have been injured while on the job or have lost a loved one due to work-related circumstances, please connect with our experienced legal team today to learn about any and all legal remedies available to you at this time. You may be in a position to collect workers’ compensation benefits and/or to file a personal injury claim. Our team will do our utmost to protect you from retaliation for exercising your legal rights and to protect you and your coworkers from having to earn your living in an unreasonably unsafe environment. We believe that all workers deserve to understand their rights under the law. Therefore, we offer free consultations that are both risk-free and confidential. Our firm will never pressure you to take action. We will simply learn about your circumstances and offer our objective assessment of your legal options accordingly. Should you choose to take action, we will provide you with all the legal support that you require moving forward. We look forward to speaking with you.
carnival injury
04 Mar, 2021
If you have been injured at a carnival or theme park, there are things you should know about filing a lawsuit.
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